It's Not on the Back of Your Neck..... That's Dave Draper squatting with Ahhhnold. When you can squat like him, I will no longer question your use of a tampon when squatting. Where it will just screw up your squat.... But it can be useful if used in some "unconventional" ways. Preventing burns during TRX pushups: Make sure you have the TRX fully deployed, if not the bar pad will put pressure on the clip and it'll deploy it's self.....mid rep, and that's not cool. Controlling Humeral Position During Rows and Presses: When you do a rowing or pressing exercise you should aim for a neutral Humerus position, limiting Humeral … [Read more...]
How to Use a Gym Tampon
July 25, 2013 by Roy:
Filed Under: Program design, training articles, Uncategorized Tagged With: barbell rows, gym tampon, hampton thick bar pad, Hip thrusts, inverted rows, tampon, TRX pushup, trx pushup burns, trx pushup rubbing
STOP DOING THIS!! “Tampon” Edition
September 18, 2012 by Roy:

"Squats With the Bar Hurt my Neck" When someone says this they have told me instantly that they have no idea what's going on. First question is: What the hell is the bar doing on your neck? Of course it hurts your neck. Reach around (no not that type of "reach around"...perverts) and feel the back of your neck. Go ahead, do it. You were probably all like, A. "You're stupid and this is stupid and I'm not doing it and I'm done reading this ridiculousness." or B. "It feels like skin and bony, knobby things which I probably shouldn't have a metal bar weighing a couple hundred pounds on." For the A's in the audience: That's not nice. For the B's: You're … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Stop Doing This:, training articles, Uncategorized Tagged With: gym tampon, high bar, low bar, neck rolls, squats, tampon, technique