How's Your Posture? Well, you're reading this, so I'm guessing it's not too hot. Actually, it probably sucks. Flexion Much? Just so we're on the same page, this, while common, is shitty posture. Got it from pexels Of course you do. Almost all of us do.. It's almost inevitable due to the way society is structured today. Sit to eat breakfast Sit in your car to drive to work Sit at work all day Sit in your car on the way home Sit to eat dinner Sit in front of the TV *there's a theme here.... I Pity Your Thoracic Spine Wikimedia commons Sitting, after only a few minutes tends to result in flexed forward posture. Sitting tall with … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: “The Worlds Greatest Stretch” AKA Groiners W/ Rotation
"The Worlds Greatest Stretch" Pretty sure I first heard that term applied to this exercise in this book. Circa 2005 (and the book was 2-3 years old then). Fun Fact: Core Performance was the 2nd real "training" book I ever bought. The first was Functional Training for Sports. Core Performance is a book that, unfortunately, I didn't recommend for a long time. It has a really heavy focus on movement, mobility, and "integration". At the time I read it I was 22-23ish and bulletproof. So I was like, "WTF is all this "movement" about, you gotta smash some weight". Well, what I didn't have was experience, perspective and humility. 1) I should have known, at … [Read more...]