Slider Side Lunge Most of what we do in the weight room occurs in the astral plane sagittal plane. These are forward/ back ward movements like squats, lunges, bench press, pullups etc. This makes sense. Much of life occurs in this plane too. Most, not all. A LOT of life occurs in the other planes too. Transverse and Frontal and the truth of truths is that MOST things actually occur in a combination of ALL these planes of movement. Muscles coordinate actions across joints to control the movement creating the desired outcome. Well, anyone who has done literally ANYTHING even mildly athletic knows.... NOT Allowing Movement is Just As Important as … [Read more...]
What the F* is the “Open Side”, the Value of Offset Loading
Common Email From An Online Client: "Roy, what the hell is the "open side". followed up with "Why do we do this?" Welp, Here's the Answer(s) The "Open Side"/ Offset Loading Explained: When we load traditionally, the weight in both hands, it's easier to balance the load. Because the load is spread across a greater "surface area" in that the entire shoulder girdle and core is activated about equally. The weight is more evenly distributed across the hips. Basically, the pull on the system is more "even" left to right and because most motion occurs in the saggital plane (front to back) an even load means that less tension/ force has to be allocated to … [Read more...]