1 Arm TRX Plank Planks are really good. They do lots of good stuff for ya. But you don't do them, at least, not enough. Or, you unfortunately saw something like this, This is super impressive, from a competitive standpoint. Just not a useful from a "fitness" standpoint. Your friend at the gym told you they hold a plank for: insert insanely and mostly useless length of time here _______ and you thought, "WTF is the point? If I need to waste a whole day just hanging out on my forearms?" "Not So Fast My Friend"- Lee Corso https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVAc3q-7qPQ Yes, that really is mostly just, hanging out off your low back and doing a whole lot … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: TRX High Row
"Pack Yo Scaps!" We know the back is important. Lats are super important. But what about the upper back? That area over/ around and in between the scapula? "If You Want Healthy Shoulders You Need a Strong Upper Back" - Matt Wenning What's my most prescribed exercise? Band Pull-Aparts An upper back exercise. Literally EVERY client I train is performing some form of the band pull-apart in every workout. Why? Well, we ALL need more upper back. Desk Jockey Syndrome Living in a hunched over/ flexed forward anterior based world has left us, as a population, devoid of rear delts, mid traps, rhomboids and scapula control. Why's The … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: TRX Serratus Saw
TRX Serratus Saw In the world of underappreciated muscles the serratus anterior is basically at the top of the list. What's a Serratus Anterior Do? "The function of the serratus anterior muscle is to allow the forward rotation of the arm and to pull the scapula forward and around the rib cage. The scapula is able to move laterally due to the serratus anterior muscle, which is vital for the elevation of the arm. The serratus anterior muscle also allows the upward rotation of the arm, which allows a person to lift items over their head. When the shoulder blade is in fixed position , e.g : breathing after a sprint , the serratus anterior lifts the ribcage and thus … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: TRX Hamstring Curl
Pop Quiz: What's the Function of the Hamstring? Everyone gets: Knee Flexion. Everyone forgets: Hip Extension That's right, the hamstring(s) (3 of the 4) cross 2 joints. The Semitendinosus, and both heads of the Biceps Femoris (long and short) cross both the knee and the hip. So What the Hell Does That do With What? This means the hamstrings are not only involved in knee flexion, bending your knee, bringing the heel to the butt, like in a seated hamstring curl. The hamstrings are also a player (albeit should be secondary to our old friends the glutes) in hip extension. "The hamstrings have a large moment arm for hip extension, making them a key … [Read more...]
Yes, I Do Cardio AKA The Heart is a Dumb Muscle
The heart only knows one thing: How much stress the body is under. That's it, nothing more. It's only responding and adapting to the signal(s) its given. So think about it.... Do you really need to do this [insert miserable cardio modality here] ???? The answer is no. The ONLY THING YOU NEED TO DO IS MANIPULATE YOUR HEART RATE TO GET THE DESIRED RESPONSE. The modality you use is of no consequence. What's that got to do with anything? Well, a lot of my peeps ask me, Do You Do Cardio? Yes, I try to get it in 2 times a week. I primarily use "cardio" to improve cardiac output and recovery. I'm not trying to push my max heart rate, or … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: TRX Row
If I could do only one pulling (rowing) motion what would it be? "100% it would be the TRX row." In my opinion the TRX is the greatest row machine ever built. It's scales easily from beginner to advanced, it's self-limiting, and it's almost foolproof. Plus, and mostly its one of the best tools I've found for training the lost art of scapular retraction. True, you can overdo it. But in my, desk jockey, sitting all day slumped over, world, 9/10 people have a real issue pulling those shoulders down and back, pinching the shoulder blades together in the back. So we NEED to train scap retraction and depression and need to be able to do it with a tool that … [Read more...]
Yeah, But He’s Not Certified in That….
When does Human Anatomy and Basic Biomechanics not Matter Anymore? When the certifying agency says so... First off, I love the TRX. I think it's a great product and the educational back-end support on their site is really first class. They mostly get it right, especially for the non-"fitness professional" user. Point of Contention: People shouldn't do pushups like this. From Mens Health, not TRX, but that's kinda sorta how they show it in the manual. It just ain't right. The head of your humerus is all up in your acromion process and stuff. As my Freak Beast of a friend, THE Alex Goldberg recently said in regards to TRX pushups: <---on my … [Read more...]
Know where you come from..and RIP Larry Scott
"You can't know where you're going unless you know where you've been." Will Smith in Hitch Unfortunately, this is too often the case when it comes to Physical Culture in Merica' these days. Everyone has or is THE Thing of the Minute. The new and improved version. It's ground breaking, different, more efficient. And usually, it's more of the same and none of the above. P90X? They used to call that body-weight circuit training. Muscle Confusion? Wasn't that Weider Principle #102, variety. CrossFit? Again, circuit training, only this time we're using more complex modalities and lots of barbells. Shaun T? That Mary Franklin not only got himself some Hip … [Read more...]