My Favorite TRX Exercises Since I wrote a 1200 word commercial for the TRX last time I figured I should go over some of the exercises that I actually use it for. *If you look around the interwebzzzzz (Youtube, you'll find about a million other exercises and some of those are awesome, but too hard for most of my clients, or they just plain suck, serve no real purpose and should be sent to the land of misfit exercises. He's Dear Leader of the Island.. So here goes. TRX Stuff That Don't Suck: TRX Biceps Curls: Obviously, I do tons of curls. You could probably tell by my 15 inch pythons. But, If I'm at home … [Read more...]
The TRX: Why it’s Awesome…
I really, no REALLY, like the TRX I didn't buy one for years because I thought they were totally overrated and overpriced. I was kinda right, but mostly wrong. Yes, there are more affordable options but for all around awesomeness, I think it wins. If you travel for work, you should have one. If you travel for fun, you should have one. If you have a home gym, you should have one. If you just want to be cool and hang out with the cool kids and sit at the cool table, this has nothing to do with that, but you should still get one and use couldn't hurt. These are NOT the cool kids... Here's the deal with the TRX... IT'S NOT FOR … [Read more...]
Beginners Suck…and it’s the “Trainers” Fault
While it's getting to the end of New Years resolution gym rush time, there are still some more motivated guys and gals who have hung on. These people are still beginners, I'm talking like total newbies. Yeah, they bought an issue of Men's Health or whatever and they took the centerfold, fold-out, workout out of it and they carry it around the gym and so the exercises for the sets and reps prescribed, but let's face it, they suck. Now they don't suck a little, like as in, not good or that's wrong, but they suck a LOT- a- bit. This isn't to bash on these folks, they've overcome a lot just to get to this sucky point and quite honestly it's not entirely their … [Read more...]