Hell yeah, I do protein! I do carbs too.....and fats like a boss. However, I only dabble in vitamins and minerals. Yeah, see protein its a macronutrient and you need it for that thing called life, if your eating a hamburger...you're doing protein I guess. But I get what people mean and yes, I do use a protein supplement and a few other supplements for that matter. Supplements can be of real benefit if and only IF you have your nutrition in check. No supplements in the world, except those of a pharmaceutical nature, will do a whole lot for you if you're living off food that comes from a drive up window or from a microwaveable box. When breakfast consists … [Read more...]
Celebrities use Steroids…OMG!
Did you know it's really hard to gain 20lbs of pure muscle in a year without pharmaceutical help? Let alone in a few months but Hollywood types do it all the time..... "Over a few months in 2010, Momoa, a 6-foot-4-inch Hawaiian actor and model, added about 30 pounds of muscle to his 205-pound frame"- Rebecca Keegan, Muscle Summer- the men of 'Captain America', 'Thor' and 'Conan' clean as a whistle.... or so we thought, or actually, YOU thought, cause they said crap like, "I workout 5-6 hrs a day and eat 8-10 meals a day and use copious amounts of anabolics" and you believe whatever you're told because they would obviously openly incriminate not only … [Read more...]