"Don't Eat it if it Comes From a Box" How often do we hear that these days? What's so bad about food from a box anyway? Well, the nutritional zealots look at it this way: The response usually comes down to some variation of, "It's Processed Food" With headlines like these, Processed Food must be one Bad Hombre: Highly Processed Food Linked to Earlier Death Why Eating Processed Foods Might Make You Fat How Processed Foods Wreak Havoc On Your Health Could it be that we've finally found THE REASON 70% of Americans are overweight (this stat includes obese)? Processed Food: Satan For All Ages All the previous nutritional devils have fallen by … [Read more...]
The Real Reasons You Cant Lose Weight
The REAL Reason(s) You Can't Lose Weight Last time we established It all comes down to energy balance. Calories In vs. Calories Out. Since the excuses you give yourself were eviscerated, here's what I've found as the most common weight loss/ weight gain culprits. *Except night time eating...last time I forgot about night time eating. Riddle me This Batman: If a Calorie is a Calorie is a Calorie at 8pm any different than a calorie at 8am? "Old perspectives for nighttime eating have been primarily based on populations of shift workers, night eating syndrome patients, and epidemiological data and suggest that the consumption of large mixed meals … [Read more...]
Fake News: Science and The Media, Part 1
*Be forewarned this is the first in a series of posts. There is literally NO TRANSITION from one to the next. The original post was about 7000 words and aint no body got time for that. So I chopped it up into readable bites. Literally I decided on what I thought were good points to rest and CUT and PASTE into the next post. So they do stop and start a bit abruptly, but you're smart and can handle it. The intention is to educate a bit on some science(y) type stuff you may not really understand so that you have the tools to be more mistrustful educated and skeptical about media driven science. So the next time you hear "A new study out today" from some mouthpiece on the … [Read more...]
Eat Whatever the Hell You Want Till January 2nd.
Stop Worrying about How Much Weight You'll Gain Between Christmas and New Years. You hear all these stories about X,Y,Z gaining 10lbs last year and Uncle Don is going to tell you how if it wasn't for this time of year he'd still be at his "playing weight". You'll read all these articles about: "How to keep off Holiday Weight Gain" "How Not to Get Fat this Holiday" "Skip the Cookies and Eat some Carrots" "Quick Workouts to Keep Christmas Cookies Fatness at Bay" and other assorted BS. These are mostly people parroting what they hear and see and the media doing what it does using scare tactics to feed into the over-inflated fears of holiday weight gain. A local … [Read more...]