TV Weight Loss Gurus are Bullshit Artists. Watch any weight loss segment on TV or read any weight loss/ magic diet book and you'll hear the same story, "It's not your fault" followed with "Do THIS magic thing and you'll finally be everything you wanted". Just so we're all on the same page: THATS ALL BULLSHIT. #1. If You're Overweight, it's 100% YOUR FAULT That's a good thing. It means YOU have CONTROL over it. I know, it's not PC to say this these days, but think about the alternative. ie. Your weight isn't your fault. Then WTF do you do If your weight is out of your control? Hope, pray and just accept the fact that you're screwed? If it's your … [Read more...]
The Real Reasons You Cant Lose Weight
The REAL Reason(s) You Can't Lose Weight Last time we established It all comes down to energy balance. Calories In vs. Calories Out. Since the excuses you give yourself were eviscerated, here's what I've found as the most common weight loss/ weight gain culprits. *Except night time eating...last time I forgot about night time eating. Riddle me This Batman: If a Calorie is a Calorie is a Calorie at 8pm any different than a calorie at 8am? "Old perspectives for nighttime eating have been primarily based on populations of shift workers, night eating syndrome patients, and epidemiological data and suggest that the consumption of large mixed meals … [Read more...]
Wanting to Eat a Second Cupcake isn’t a Sugar Addiction..
Are We Addicted to Sugar? Unless you've been living under a rock or blissfully never listening to the fear box TV, you've probably heard that sugar is as, or more, addicting than "hard" drugs like cocaine and heroin. Study: Sugar Hidden in junk food eight times more addictive than cocaine "A junk food addiction is a lot more like a drug addiction than researchers previously thought. They now claim sugar is eight times more addictive than cocaine." - ABC13 Houston Sugar = Heroin, How to Cut Your Addiction - Big Think Believe me, I have. In fact, it gets repeated to me on an almost daily basis. Usually in the form of, "I can't lose weight, I'm … [Read more...]
Esoteric Sh@t: Why We Fall For Stuff Like Apple Cider Vinegar
This Just Happened (again): *I've been asked this question al least 20 times in the last month or two.... Client: "What Do You Think About Apple Cider Vinegar?" Me: "What do you mean? I think it makes pulled pork taste good...." Client: "Do you think taking a shot of it before you eat does anything for losing weight?" Me: "Have you ever taken a shot of Apple Cider Vinegar? I haven't, but I'm pretty sure you aint eating sh@t after you do." Apple Cider Vinegar Helps You Lose Weight? Really? Seems too easy right? Mostly, how the hell did we JUST COME ACROSS THIS NOW? We're Drawn to Esoteric, Novel, Unbelievable Sh@t No matter how unbelievable, … [Read more...]
The Truth About Weight Loss and Maintenance….
First Things First: If you're overweight and/ or have a weight problem. It's You're Fu@king Fault It's not your genes, *that's not how genes work it's not your coworkers who bring in donuts, it's not because someone puts a gun to your head every night and forces you to drink a bottle of wine or eat at the clown house every night. It's your fault, you have control over you, it didn't just happen. And that is a great thing, because, since you're not a victim of your weight: YOU HAVE 100% CONTROL OVER IT AND CAN CHANGE IT. Now we can get onto the important stuff. If we're talking about someone who starts out with a lot of weight to lose: It's Really F-ing … [Read more...]
Training The Overweight/ Obese Client
"I Thought You Only Trained Athletes?" I wish....but not really Athletes can do ANYTHING and they're fun to train because of that. You show them once and they have it down, better than me, stronger than me.. But here's the fact: "Until you're at the top, you better train all types of people, not just the fun ones"- Mike Boyle If I only trained athletes, I'd be eating Ramen noodles in a cardboard box every night. The vast majority of my clients are regular people who want to be more awesome. Eventually, they become super awesome, but at first they're usually pretty terrible below average physically and this usually includes being somewhat to very … [Read more...]
“I eat because I’m unhappy…I’m unhappy because I eat.”
Fat Bastard said it and....he was right. The people at Kaiser Permenante in San Diego have been running a weight loss clinic since 1982 which dealt mostly with the obese . After treating 30,000 patients they've made some pretty remarkable findings concerning obesity and published them in a paper titled, Obesity: Problem, Solution or Both. In short they found that obesity, "is not the core problem to be treated, any more than smoke is the core problem to be treated in house fires." Basically obese people are obese because they eat too much, yepper that whole law of thermodynamics is still holding steady..but what drives them to eat to much? NOTE: Yes, I know … [Read more...]