Wrist Wraps = Healthy, Happy, Wrists And Elbows Elbows Yes, elbows. Wrist Wraps do Two Obvious Things: 1: "Cast" your wrist in place so the hand and forearm stay aligned. This ABSOLUTELY helps you LIFT MORE WEIGHT. 2: Keeping the wrist aligned also keeps a LOT of stress off the wrist joint and helps keep the wrists happy and healthy. Already covered #2 in this article: Bent Wrists, Loose Grips = Fire Elbow and it Sucks But the less obvious benefit is: Wrist Wraps Protect You From FIRE ELBOW Wait But What: It's all connected, nothing functions in isolation and: What Happens at One Joint Affects ALL Other Joints Maybe the effect is small, but there is an … [Read more...]
10 Instant Workout Upgrades
#1: Stop Wearing a Dri-Wicking Shirt to Squat In. These shirts are slick to begin with, so the bar slides down your back, but then they push the sweat to the outside of the shirt and making it even slicker. Heavy Bar + Slick Shirt = Moving bar From http://www.jerzees.com #2: Use Dumbbells or Pushup Handles Instead of Hands Flat on the Floor for Pushups. Putting the hands flat on the floor puts a LOT of pressure on the wrists and is uncomfortable as hell, so quit doing it. Use the damn pushup handles or dumbbells (especially if they're the hex kind). Using handles allows you to keep the wrists straight and crush the handles. This takes pressure off of the … [Read more...]