Wrist Wraps = Healthy, Happy, Wrists And Elbows Elbows Yes, elbows. Wrist Wraps do Two Obvious Things: 1: "Cast" your wrist in place so the hand and forearm stay aligned. This ABSOLUTELY helps you LIFT MORE WEIGHT. 2: Keeping the wrist aligned also keeps a LOT of stress off the wrist joint and helps keep the wrists happy and healthy. Already covered #2 in this article: Bent Wrists, Loose Grips = Fire Elbow and it Sucks But the less obvious benefit is: Wrist Wraps Protect You From FIRE ELBOW Wait But What: It's all connected, nothing functions in isolation and: What Happens at One Joint Affects ALL Other Joints Maybe the effect is small, but there is an … [Read more...]
In Praise of Lifting Straps
Never Use Lifting Straps. They weaken your grip and make you a P.U.S.S.Y I used to say that...a lot. It was like gospel. I was right then and I'm wrong now. Mostly because I was young and dumb.... See, the problem with youth and/ or inexperience is that you're young and have no experience. <---I know, that's really deep. The problem with being young, as it pertains to sports and physical stuff, is you can do really stupid sh@t, often, at high volumes, and intensities and recover almost immediately. You're like a metaphorical, living, breathing Wolverine... Stole this pic, please don't sue me Marvel This means you don't really learn from the … [Read more...]