This Getting in Shape Thing, It’s Not Easy and Never Will Be

I really hate it when people go,

“It’s easy for you to workout and eat right, you work in a gym.”

Or, my favorite

“it’s easy for you to be in shape, you get paid to work out all day.”

WTF is that, yeah, I work out all day…..

The truth about this whole working out and being “in shape” thing:

It Sure as Hell isn’t Easy.

If it was everyone would do it and most are not.

Fact is: MOST people in the United States are overweight. (the number is somewhere around 60-70%).

That’s Fu#king Atrocious.

I’m not going to be one of those

“You’re fat cause you’re stupid and lazy” guys.

Cause, you’re not stupid… know what you should do


you’re not lazy……when you really want something you get it done right?

But the difference between you and me, at least when it comes to this fitness crap, is.

You’re Soft.

You’ve got no Grit.

Things get hard and you poop out, blame someone or something, look for the easy way out, tuck tail, quit.

You stop find an excuse when motivation ends and the sh@t gets real hard

But I understand why you quit.

And , no, I’m not some “feel good” blow smoke up your ass kinda guy….

But I live this truth:

This losing/ Maintaining Weight and Working out thing is Hard has Hell.

It’s NOT fun most of the time.

Sometimes it’s awesome, and I live for those days.

But truth is:

Working out everyday most days and NOT eating chocolate cakes, yes, whole, chocolate freaking cakes (Longhorn Steakhouse Chocolate Stampede <—-check that sh@t out homie….) ssucks most of the time.

If I only trained when I felt like it, I’d hardly ever train- John Bott

Truth is,  there are LOTs of days were I’d rather sit in front of the TV and watch one more episode of some useless ass TV show and down an entire package of Double Stuff Oreos <—–only double stuffs really matter.

Rather than drag my dead, stiff, ass out into a cold garage and grab a freezing metal bar…..and I’m really into this crap.

Here’s what you don’t understand or misunderstand. 

Once you can get going, once it becomes a habit, everything changes.


Cause of the payoff.

Here’s 101 of them

I value what I get out of it…….

down the road….

more than the sacrifice of having to put the work in right now.

To Summarize Why You Should Workout and Eat Right:

But you have to force yourself to get past that moment, that second when your brain mobilizes all of its forces against you:

  • You’re tired
  • Sick
  • Busy
  • Hurt
  • Hungry
  • Big boned
  • It’s early
  • Late
  • You need to get up early
  • You’ll get even MORE tired
  • It’s not for you

But getting past that moment and started is really hard .

Well, its hard for everyone even those who do it all the time.

Of course it’s hard, just accept that, don’t make it worse:

-Life is difficult. Yet, once we truly


I Just Don’t Feel Like It, and the Fun Culture…..

Our culture has become all about doing what we want in that moment.

Not about what gets you the best return on your investment and higher or continued happiness for the long haul.

THAT, my friends is why we’re in such bad shape.

It’s not bad information, too much information, lack of information.

We can’t get past, “I don’t feel like it” 

Asshole, no one “feels like it”…..

We just don’t, but it’s all about delayed gratification.

Delayed Gratification, The Simple version:

Give up what you want now, for what you want more in the future.

Everyone wants to be in shape.

Right Now

And no one wants to make the sacrifice to get there.

No one wants to sacrifice Chipotle for a Salad with baked chicken breast

No one wants to get up an extra hour earlier to get to the gym.

But some realize it’s worth it, after the fact, down the road and in the end.

Blood pressure meds or an extra hour watching tv? 

A life of anxiety and depression or getting up at 4:30am to go run? 

Lipitor or ordering the salad instead of the cheesburger? 

True, your investment in the future you might not pay off.

  • You might die in a car wreck next week.
  • Get shot in a crack deal gone bad and get hit with a stray bullet next year. <—-I work in Baltimore….cut me some slack, shit happens. 
  • Fall off a mountain tomorrow
  • Contract some unknown and incurable disease in a month..

All or any of these sh@tty things could happen to you, all that investment you made trying to exercise and eat right to live a healthier, longer, better life might go straight out the window.

And that would suck, and be VERY improbable.

Kind of like becoming a millionaire through the winning Lottery instead of hard work, constant improvement of your craft and excellent, long-term financial decisions<—see how this works? 

Or you could accept the fact you’ll have a hand in your demise because of your craptastic lifestyle and habits.

risk assessment

From the Business Insider

Sooo, nope, this whole being healthy thing isn’t a foolproof endeavor, far from it., but hopefully you realize that lifestyle factors directly affect and influence MOST of the above death causes.

But maybe this, being healthy, thing gets you through the tough times….

Maybe it’s like a physical savings account?

Maybe you get some type of crazy lung bacteria thing and it puts you down for a couple of months.

Who survives?

The guy who’s active and in shape, has built up some strength (mental and physical)? <—-the dude with some grit

Or the guy who is barely getting by, living off medications, just trying to make it day-to-day BEFORE the sh@t hit the fan? <—–the dude who’s been soft

Got me, but I know where I’d put my money.

“So not only were active people more likely than non-active people to survive, but those who were alive and active when we followed up had reached old age in good shape, without evidence of depression or of cognitive or functional problems,” lead author Professor Osvaldo Almeida said.

“In other words they were able to move about and do their business without significant assistance – looking after their finances, looking after themselves, looking after their house etc, and they did not have any evidence of mental illness.”

Yet, the vast majority of people get little to no physical activity on a weekly basis let alone daily.

“It’s hard” and “I don’t feel like it” is keeping too many from not making that investment in themselves.

How to Be in Shape? It’s Simple…

When it comes to food:

  • Eat Real Food
  • Need to lose weight? Eat Less
  • Don’t listen to TV and internet hype about food.
  • Eat lots of fruits, vegetables and real meats (if you eat meats).

When it comes to exercise:

  • Move More
  • Lift some heavy stuff
  • To some continuous work (something to keep an elevated heart rate).

Seriously, if you do that stuff MOST days of the week for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE….

You’ll be in decent shape.

On MOST days, you wont WANT to…..

You’ll almost NEVER  feel like it before you start, especially at first.

But, I never said it was going to be easy, whoever did…

They lied.

It’s Going to be Hard, It’s a Grind, Everyday, Forever. 

Accept that fact and it all becomes MUCH easier.

It really is that simple….

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About Roy:

I wrote this, if you think it rocks, Like, Tweet, E-mail, share and tell people about this article. If you think it sucks, Like, Tweet, E-mail, share this article and tell people I'm the biggest jerk in the world (or not). Either way thanks for reading, sharing and let me know what you think.


  1. Longhorn Chocolate Stampede? I had no clue this 2430 calories of awesomeness existed. Finding out about food like this is exactly why I read Roy’s stuff.

    And you forgot the most important reason to stay in shape Roy. Those in shape will survive the zombie apocalypse the longest. Zombies always go after the easy prey with more meat on their bones first.
